Keeping Discus Fish in Planted Tank

Written by: Tammy  (@aquarist_tl)

Often known as the "king of aquarium fish," discus earn their championship through their gorgeous colors, patterns, and variations. Detail strains of them are highly sought afterward, and some tin easily attain a price of hundreds of dollars for just one.

Even though this species of fish is so beautiful, they are not every bit normally plant in the hobby as other fish. This is likely because there is another connotation about discus existence one of the most difficult freshwater fish to keep. While discus fish intendance may require more attending than other aquarium fish, the idea of owning discus should non intimidate experienced aquarists. As long as they are kept in ideal weather condition with routine maintenance, there should be no problems.

discus fish

Tank Size

While it's possible for discus to achieve a length of nine inches, this is only if they're kept for a long fourth dimension in the best weather possible. Most discus in the common aquarium max out at four.v-6 inches.

Based on this size range, the minimum tank size would be a 55 gallon tank, but the bigger the amend for these guys. 3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as h2o changes are kept up with. A full general dominion you lot tin follow is one discus per 10 gallons. Since these fish are tall, do not go on them in shallow tanks. The UNS 90U, 120P, and 120U are all high quality aquariums that would exist great for discus!


Proficient filtration is necessary to keep the aquarium clean and make sure the h2o is chemically clean. Discus fish volition not do well in tanks where nitrogen levels are spiking or unstable. Make sure the aquarium is fully cycled before adding them in.

  • Learn more than nigh the importance of and how to cycle your fish tank Here.

Since these fish are usually kept in larger tanks, stronger and bigger filtration might evidence to be ameliorate. Sump filters are corking for large aquariums, but can be hard to set up up. A great choice to consider is a canister filter like the UNS Delta 120 or Delta 90. Canister filters hold a lot of media for necessary beneficial bacteria and ordinarily provide a current that is strong plenty to pull the debris from the tank into the filter. Just brand sure to make clean the filter regularly!

Water Parameters for a Discus Tank

discus fish care


Water quality and parameters are of import when considering keeping discus. Unlike virtually other tropical fish that prefer water temperatures of 78F or lower, discus similar information technology warmer. Depending on how you're keeping your discus, unlike temperatures may be more suitable for your setup.

  • For keeping discus in general: 84F-86F
  • For raising young or growing juveniles: 86F-88F
    The increased temperature will speed up their metabolism, assuasive for more than feedings and faster growth.
  • For convenance or keeping in a planted tank: 82F
    The lower temperature mimics the natural environment of the Amazon's rainy flavor, stimulating them to breed.

Go on in heed that most aquarium plants don't practice well in hot temperatures. You must consider hardy plants such as bucephalandra, anubias, and java fern, and give them time to conform to the warmer temperatures.

Note: When maintaining a planted aquarium with high temperatures, aeration is very important. The warmer the h2o, the less ability it has to concur oxygen, then brand sure there's enough oxygen for the fish by installing an air pump if necessary.

pH & Hardness

Discus prefer soft, acidic water. Ideally, a pH of 7 or below and a gH of 1-three is what many strive for in a discus aquarium. While this is probably best for them, it's not incommunicable to go on healthy discus in college pH/hardness levels. They've been bred in different water conditions effectually the world and are capable of adapting to other ones. In general, a pH of 7.5 or less and a soft to medium hardness level will piece of work just fine.

discus fish

Why a Planted Tank is the All-time Idea

After going through all the preferences for a discus tank setup, the decision is that planted aquariums could be considered the ideal setup for discus considering they aid accomplish the ideal weather condition for keeping discus.

  • Arguably, the best filtration for aquariums are aquatic plants! Plants will absorb ammonia and nitrates right out of the water when they grow, chemically cleaning the h2o. More plants and advisedly injecting CO2 to aid them abound will filter the water even more.
  • Aquatic plant substrates like UNS Controsoil are not only designed to assist plants thrive, simply they also stabilize and buffer the pH to optimal levels for most tropical fish. Planted tanks that use these nutrient-rich substrates are more ideal for discus than bare bottomed tanks.
  • Driftwood, a common type of hardscape to utilize in an aquascape, also lowers the pH and hardness of the h2o.
  • The greens of the plants will contrast the colors of the discus, resulting in a cute pop of color.

discus fish

Maintenance is Important!

Heads up: y'all cannot slack on tank maintenance when it comes to discus. Even if yous have a planted tank, a weekly water modify of at least 20% should be performed. Approximately xl% or more than in a non-planted aquarium. It really depends on how many fish, the bioload, and the size of the tank. Brand sure to siphon out equally much detritus as yous tin during each session.

  • Click here to learn more virtually the importance of water changes in your fish tank.


Discus can be picky eaters, and so try to feed a variety of foods like flakes, pellets, and frozen/alive foods. When information technology comes to how oftentimes you should feed your discus, feed them no more than iii% of their body weight. On average, adult discus (1+ years) should exist fed 2-iii times per day. When feeding, brand certain you have clean hands free of whatsoever lotion or hand sanitizer.

Changing up the types of food you feed volition preclude them from sticking to merely ever going after one food. If yous receive new picky discus, simply you want to feed them flakes instead of bloodworms, slowly innovate the new food (ex. flakes) while also feeding their original food (ex. bloodworms).

discus fish care guide

Tank Mates

Friendly/non-aggressive community fish that are big enough to not be seen as snacks should practice well with discus. Freshwater shrimp can be as well stressed in an environment with discus, merely information technology depends on the scape and whether they take ample area to hide and explore without being bothered by the discus.

Go on in mind, whatsoever beast you lot add to the tank need to exist able to handle the hot temperatures that discus like to be kept in. They should likewise be fast enough to avoid getting eaten past discus, but not so fast that they outcompete them for food, every bit discus tin can be dull when it comes to eating. Great examples of tankmates are cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras, sterbai corys, small plecos, and rams!

black ram cichlid
Happy Black Rams in Buce Plant's Discus tank

Hopefully this info help guide those interested in keeping discus. If you lot're already a passionate aquarist that regularly stays on meridian of their maintenance, then these fish shouldn't exist any different!

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